Becoming Family: It's Time to Fight

Nehemiah is one of my favorite stories in all the Bible and if you have never read the story, you should. It’s about the people of God being defenseless for hundreds of years because the wall around their homes had never been rebuilt. This broke Nehemiah’s heart and he set out, rallied the families together, and in 52 days, they rebuilt the boundary around their homes.  
Nehemiah 4:13-14 Therefore I stationed some of the people behind the lowest points of the wall at the exposed places, posting them by families, with their swords, spears and bows. 14 After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.”
Nehemiah 4:20 Wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us!”

“If you fight for your family, God will fight for you.”

Your home is the #1 priority of the enemy. He hates family, he hates marriage, he hates your children (they are the heritage of the Lord). If it is his #1 priority to divide our homes- it should be our #1 priority to keep them together, unified and solidified in Jesus. I need to know how and where he is getting in through the wall surrounding my home so I can expose him for the liar he is.
God is a triune God- meaning He is 1 God in 3 parts. We call this the Trinity. Father. Son. Holy Spirit. Marriage reflects our Creator. Husband, wife and Holy Spirit (marriage doesn’t work properly without Him). We need the Holy Spirit in our marriages because without Him- we will quit. THREE AND THREE. Your marriage is a walking image of your Creator on the earth. No wonder the enemy is out to destroy your marriage and the sanctity of marriage.
Parents- Don’t leave your kids up to the pastor- the children’s pastor or the youth pastor. Where our Pastors love your kids..... don’t make us fight harder for your families than you are. The Lord said, “If you fight for your family, I will fight for you.”  This means that we raise our families. Not the school system. Not culture. Not Disney or Hollywood. It’s our job. The decisions you make now for your family will affect the generations to come. Your children and their children and so on. What you are doing now matters for the Kingdom of God.  But it is going to cost you something. Are you ready to fight for your family? 
Philemon 1:2 Paul is writing and he said, “and Apphia our sister and Archippus our fellow soldier, and the church in your house:”
Do you invite the presence of Jesus in your home or only when you’re here at church? Do your children know how to work out their living faith in your home or do they think it only works at church?  I learned years ago that I have to be intentional with my home because, if I am not, how will we know where we are going? And how will we know if we ever arrive at our destination? I will not risk my marriage and kids and just ‘hope’ we get there. 

Be a Thermostat: Set the Temperature of Your Home

Exterior situations do not get to change the temperature of my home. It’s already pre-determined. Josh and I set the temperature for our home. We decided long ago that our home is a sanctuary. We almost always have worship music playing somewhere. We don’t open our home to anything and everything. It’s a safe place. During the day and the night. Our children sleep well. 
Psalm 4:8 In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
What is the Temperature of your home? If we did a reading would it be chaotic, argumentative, tense... or silent?  My mom is still a thermostat for me. She can adjust the temperature of my heart by the words that come out of her mouth. So this doesn’t matter if your kids are 6, 16, or 36. This never stops.  Be a thermostat.
Don’t underestimate the power of short prayers. Pray short prayers... often. Pray them with your kids, your spouse, when you are by yourself. Praying doesn’t have to be perfectly worded paragraphs. Sometimes prayers, are simply, “Jesus, give me wisdom in this.” “Jesus help me.” “Thank you Father.”  Teach your kids to pray short prayers. Tuck them in at night and have them repeat prayers with you. Often times, your children will pour out their hearts to you at night with stuff they haven’t talked about all day. Lead by example and allow them to work out their faith with you. Show them how to use their faith.

Rebuild Your Wall

Not everything that comes to your home should be allowed through the front door. Not saying that you aren’t real if you have a bad day but your spirit should adjust to the spiritual habitat of your home.  Consider the boundaries you have set for yourself? Your marriage? Your kids? What are you allowing to continue that should be redirected?  
What boundaries need to put into place or adjusted? Boundaries or the lack thereof, will have an effect on the temperature of your home.  Maybe you have gaps in the wall around your home and attacks of the enemy keep coming in..... where do you need to set up and secure your boundary?
Remember- we fight against spirits not people. Boundaries are for people and relationships. Walls are for the spiritual forces that are out for my family. They will not touch me or my family. I need a wall of God that is strong and in place at all times to be our shield.  Consider the wall you have built. For your marriage. Your kids. For your home. What are you allowing to continue that should be redirected or rebuilt? Is it strong and sturdy or are there gaps? Is it broken down and you feel under attack. Out of control.  

Where is your family exposed to the enemy’s attacks? Where do you need to set up and secure your home?  
Philippians 1:27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel.
You are meant to stand with your spouse, your family in one spirit, one mind (not divided) standing side by side for the faith of the gospel. This means we need to get on the same page and bring clarity to the things we will and won’t do as a family. What are we willing to watch on tv? Listen to or have influence in our home. Everything is spiritual and everything matters. I am the gatekeeper to my children’s spirits. I take my job seriously.  Remember, God said, “If you fight for your family- I will fight for you.” He wants you together, one spirit, one mind, side by side.  Rebuild your wall and fight for your family. 
Hope Point Church exists to point people to the hope of Jesus, one family at a time. Our service times are Sunday at 9AM and 11AM. Hope Kids is available at every service for kids ages 6 weeks through 5th grade. We would love for your family to come worship with us. You can find more information at
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1 Comment

Robin Lee - January 4th, 2025 at 8:13am

Excellent message.