Something More

Looking for Some Help in Life?

John 14:26 The Helper is the Holy Spirit. The Father will send Him in My place. He will teach you everything and help you remember everything I have told you.

According to Scripture, the Holy Spirit is where we get the help and the power we need. I need something more powerful than myself fueling my life and empowering me to walk out my daily relationship with Jesus.  I think we would all agree, we don’t need more of the world, we need more of God. Did you know we were all created to need a significant connection with God?

There is something more and that's a relationship with the Holy Spirit. We are really good at recognizing God the Father and God the Son (Jesus) but we forget that the Holy Spirit is God. We tend to treat Him like an 'it' and not the triune God that He is. It's just like water: water, ice and steam. It's all still water, but in three different forms.
How well would you say you know the Holy Spirit?


 The first thing to understand is that the Holy Spirit is your helper. He helps us understand what we cannot understand. He Helps us speak up when we should and more importantly tells us when to BE QUIET. He gives us wisdom, knowledge and will teach us the ways of God. We don’t need to understand how He does this, we just need to believe that He does.

 John 16:6-7  Your hearts are full of sorrow because I am telling you these things. I tell you the truth. It is better for you that I go away. If I do not go, the Helper will not come to you.

Jesus knew we would need help. It's OK to need help. Let the Holy Spirit be your helper. Be quiet, actually listen to what He is trying to tell you and obey.

Romans 8:9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.

If you have prayed the salvation prayer, you have the Holy Spirit in you. Are you leaning into His help or are you trying to manage everything on your own? He has unlimited resources for you to tap into if you would take the time to ask Him.  Are you open to Something More?
Pastor Josh Cody | Lead Pastor 
Want to learn more? Watch the full sermon here.
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