Buck Up Sissy Pants | Part 1

Sep 11, 2022    Pastor Josh

Buck Up Sissy Pants. The "Buck Up" if from God, the "Sissy Pants" is from Pastor Josh. This series is about what happens after you get your healing, your answered prayers, your restoration. How do we move forward in the promises of God?
The Isrealites were brought out of slavery and lead to the Promised Land ( a 30 day journey). They had a lot of baggage and old ways of doing life so God had them stay for a year in the desert. When He lead them to the threshold of their promise, the 12 spies went out and returned with a horrible report. Only Caleb and Joshua spoke up and said God would give them their promised land. Because they choose not to move forward, they remained in the desert for 40 years. We want to be better than the Israelites. It's time to Buck Up and move forward.